
Chorey Charts

Get It Done
& Have Some Fun!

A few years ago, Nick realized that his kids were lazybutts. Instead of becoming a dictator about them doing their chores, he developed a game.


Began 2014


  • Animation
  • Branding
  • Design
  • Front End
  • Photography
  • Video Editing

His friends with kids thought it looked neat, so he built more games for other parents. Then, someone suggested that he sell it.

Thus, Chorey Charts was born!


He developed and built the game, designed the logo, built the site, and built theĀ Kickstarter campaign. He also did all the writing and production.

The game is modular and you can arrange it as you see fit. All pieces are dry-erase. While colorful, the game doesn’t look like a clown threw up on your fridge.